service dog


who want to use their service animals in the workplace. Employees who have difficulties moving things or physically impaired need some help from the service animals in the absence of a helper in the office. ADA has defined the service animals clearly in their definition to help the disabled people anywhere they go to facilitate them with their duties, but no part of that definition covers whether they can bring the service animals at work or not. Title I also provides employment provisions that state

The Rules Regarding Using Service Dogs are Work?

Title I also does not provide any provisions to define the use of service dogs in the offices or workplaces by the employees who have physical disabilities or injuries, However, it is possible that an employee with physical difficulty may send a request to the employer for accommodating him with the facility of a service dog. The employers must consider the request of employees seriously if it is not possible to work without the support of a service dog. But it is not ethical to automatically allow the employees to use the service animals at the workplace and bring them into the office rooms.

What Does It mean for the Employers?

Some employers in America have a policy of “no animals allowed” in the office premises which strictly prohibits employees to bring any pets in the office. The employees can send requests, however, to let them bring their animals with them because of physical difficulties and to allow them relaxation to modify their no animal rules. If an employer does not have a clear policy, then they can allow employees to bring in the service pets only for physical support. No pets should be allowed for leisure. On a specific case basis, the employers should modify their HR policy to allow a disabled employee to use service animals at a workplace. The main purpose of this relaxation is to save an employee from undue hardship.

From Employee’s Perspective

Service animals can come in handy at a workplace to help the employees with the work issues as well as keeping them psychologically alert. The employees may feel a sense of belongingness and security with their pets along; a service animal often never disappoints his holder and provides them good personal support..
Moreover, Under the ADA, employers have the right to request reasonable documentation that an accommodation is needed. The employees must arrange to provide documentation of doctor, however, to prove to them that they are disabled and are allowed to use a service dog at home and work. The service animal must be trained so that they can create no disturbance for the other employees at work. No disruption due to service animal should be tolerated, and if an animal feels imbalanced, it should be called to leave the office premises. The employers can consider documentation from other sources as well that show the need of using a service dog at the workplace.

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